Thursday 16 March 2017

Etsy Shop

I find trying to fill my Etsy shop an ever-daunting task. Designing and making pieces is a lengthy, yet enjoyable process- after all making and creating is why I do what I do. It is a passion to create, but listing items in an Etsy shop can feel to me like I'm trying to fill a colander with water. 
How many items is enough items? Just when I feel like I'm making progress, I come across shops with hundreds of pieces of jewellery listed, compared to mine with only 30 :-/

I do feel though that at the moment I have to be concerned more with quality rather quantity. Quality of the pieces that I list, but also quality of the photography that I use to entice people (hopefully) to my shop. I try to prioritise jobs that I need to do. Planning and paperwork, social media and online stuff, as well as making and promoting.

Some of the pieces I've been working on lately have been 
enamelled. After working on paper I like to revert quickly to
trying out test pieces in metal, just to see if they translate well
out of the sketchbook.